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Detox Your Closet

Refresh Your Look

Welcome to Swop society

A community of fashion enthusiasts, passionate about circular wardrobe rotation.

We provide an accessible alternative to buying brand new, by hosting regular pop-up swop events throughout the city of Hong Kong.

Swopping is circular fashion solution, that allows you to regularly detox and refresh your wardrobe and enjoy new (to you) clothing that has no impact on your wallets or our planet.

Swop Soc Guide

Swopping allows us to detox and refresh our wardrobes with value for value, and is a financially friendly way to enjoy new (to you) clothing without the environmental impact of creating new textiles

How to swop, in 8 simple steps...

The success of wardrobe rotation lies within our members parting with items which they feel would be a fair trade in and out, and leaving with items of similar trade value. 

To ensure an enjoyable and valuable swopping experience at our pop-up events, we have introduced a tiering system to value your items


SOHO House logo
WOHK logo
Swop Society

Join the movement, connect with us and enjoy refreshing your wardrobe sustainably! By signing up, we will keep you in the loop on upcoming events and interesting fashion facts on the industry. At the end of each swop, we will update your account with your left over swop credits to use at the next event – you can sign in any time and check how many credits you have to spend!

Thanks for subscribing!

Incorporated by Eventstigated Limited, Events & Entertainment

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